Friday 5 December 2014

Time for family.

 In these time when people have no time  for anything, every one is busy all the time, more so after we have all been bestowed with all the new gadgets  , Mobile, Iphone etc etc.
  This evening i was reading a story, which i thought will be good to write on my blog.
 An old father was sitting in the sit out and the grown up son was working  on something nearby. The father who keeps looking up at a nearby tree asks his son what is it sitting on the tree ?  The son says its a Crow, This drill is repeated four times, and son snaps at his father,  father ,cant you see its crow and how many times do i tell you that? Please, let me get on with my work  without you asking any more questions.
  The , father smiles and tells his son , when you were three or four years old, i , used to carry you around and you used to ask me  questions repeatedly and i used answer your questions , time and again and also point out  and tell you the names of  all the  birds and animals we used to see. At that time i too had plenty of work and responsibilities, but found time for you and the family.
  The, son, realized ,  and understood that his father. had  in his own way reminded him, that he had to spend time with the family too.
  This is a lesson to all the new busy generation.


  1. What a Lovely story! An eye-opener! True, with all the gadgets on hand, we have forgotten one thing... give Time for others!

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