Thursday, 11 March 2010


In today's fast world we are forgetting our age old customs and women are hardly aware of what they can eat and what not to eat soon after having a baby. Indian culture and traditions date back to almost 5000 years and post natal diet etc. has been derived with a view on mother and child's health; a diet that gives both the mother and the child life-long protection from diseases and ailments.

There are reasons behind every diet and on close analysis we can only stop and wonder at the deep scientific analysis behind every such tradition. And this set me thinking about the good old diets and how we analyse and inculcate it into our present tradition so we stay protected.

Doctors advise new moms to eat normal regular food, which is ok, but some small changes in the diet, goes a long way , in regard to the health of both mother and the new born.

For the first three weeks the food eaten should be healthy but not spicy. As far as possible root vegetables like potatoes, onion,yam etc should be avoided. This is because root vegetables cause a lot of gas in the system and a breastfeeding mother will pass on this gas in her milk resulting in gas and colic for the baby. For the same reason deep fried foods should be avoided.

On the other hand, plenty of greens and green vegetables can be taken. Greens and green vegetables are rich in vitamins and once again this is passed on to the baby.

All of you who have an Indian origin must be knowing that the new mother is served ghee in a small katori , at least 100 grams or more and you must have wondered how does a cup of fat in every essence help!

Well, Ghee is known for the quality of Ropana- healing, and its effectiveness in facilitating recovery from wounds. In Ayurveda, when a person has a chronic peptic ulcer or gastritis, Ghee is used to heal that ulcer inside the intestinal tract. Similarly, here the ghee is used to heal the uterus back to its original size.
Of course, in today's world of fears of obesity and its concurrent risks, one cannot take a cup of ghee but ghee should not be avoided and should be taken in whatever quantity. Remember, it is also an antioxidant.

The new mother is given an oil bath every alternate day. Abhyanga or oil bath has great curative properties. The body in preparation for the mammoth task of delivering the baby has undergone massive changes. Energy was required to deliver the baby and heat produces energy so the body has got heated and toxic to produce this tremendous energy and needs a cooling down. Oil baths cool the body, remove the heat to normalize it soon as possible.

The effect of an oil bath is illustrated in my daughter's own personal experience. My daughter developed severe urinary tract infection during the 5th month of her pregnancy. She was unable to take strong antibiotics and no amount of tender coconuts, water anything helped. She suffered for 3 or so months with severe burning until someone advised her to take oil baths every alternate day. The very first day she took an oil bath she was cured of her UTI! Such is the antioxidant properties of an oil bath!

However, oil baths being cooling can also cause cold and cold for mom means cold and sniffles for the babe so this bath is followed by a dish of sooji sheera made with semolina, almonds and ghee.
The almonds and ghee also helps increase the breast milk!

Curry leaves powder is to eaten first with hot rice and a good amount of ghee.
Curry leaves help shrink the uterus to its original size besides helping the body to recover.

Recipe for the curry leaves powder:-- Two cups curry leaves , washed and dried in the shade, one table spoon of each of the following incridents. Jeera, Oma, Chana dala,Pepper, big marble size hing(if u have it only in powder form add one tea spoon), and one inch peice of dry ginger. Fry all the incridents one by one, putting a little oil every time including the dry curry leaves. whel they have all cooled grind it with salt to taste, and store. This is very good for all especially , after post delivery.

Normal diet can be taken, but care should be taken that too much spicy, cold drinks and very sour food is not eaten.
Sour foods and cold drinks can cause cold and discomfort to the mother and passed on the the baby.

Take care not to carry heavy things like a pail of water or a grown child and the like, for at least three months after delivery.
This is because uterus which is in a delicate state now can descend and cause multiple problems.

Avoid perfume , and putting strong smelling flowers in your hair like malli flowers etc, Strong smell reduces breast milk.

After a fortnight after delivery a lehyam is eaten about a spoonfull , even before the coffee or tea. This is eaten for three months. This is made of many herbs and heat producing, so a good amount of ghee is a must.

Supary or areca nut is fried in ghee and other spices like lavang and coconut ,which is also fried and powdered. and this is eaten with betel leaves and chuna or limeIt is possible that the betelnut or supari helped in prevention of postnatal depression.This is also a digestive.
    The suggested diet for a new mother :  At  8 AM --For Break fast , Idly , Uppma, Oats. Kichdi, and Rava Idly, anything with out too much Oil and Spice.
    Mid Morning ----Glass of Milk or a health drink ( the recipe for which) given below).
    Lunch  -----------12.30/1 PM Two Prathas,   with  Bhaji, Rice Sambhar  Rasam Both Sambhar and Rasam to be had with good amount of ghee and  Sweet Dahi . The first course to be eaten is the Karepak (curry Leaves) powder with rice and GHEE.
      At tea time any snack with Milk  or what ever  one is used to Horlics, Milk,or whatever.
Dinner ---Same as lunch but may be one can cut the Sambar.
       This Diet is followed for the first month then gradual y other foods are added as the bay grows up and becomes more tolerant to foods, eaten my the mother.
      No Udad pappad is allowed but Rice Pappad can be eaten

Care of the Baby.
The first few weeks the baby has to be kept warm as it is used to a temperature of 98.4 degrees for 9 to 10 months.
Make sure the baby wears a booti/socks 24 hours a day for the first three months.
Cover the tummy with a folded shawl or thick cloth, this, they say aids digesion.
The baby will cry if it is
1] Its hungry
2]Its wet, the nappy has to be changed.
3] Its cold or too warm.
4] Some discomfort or colic
5]Some clothing or bed clothes hurting the tender skin
6] In india it could be thirst.
If the baby cries check out the above first.
Keep regular feeding times after the first few months. this will be good for the mother and the child.
Maintain a regular bath time too. If the baby is kept comfortable it will give the least trouble.
Parents fighting or arguing, the baby will sense the mothers moods, so avoid it.
Give the child lot of attention but dont give in to all its demands, once the child understands that you will give it to its crying or demands there will be no end to it.
All baby's are born good, but the the way the parents bring it up will mold the child. A lot depends on the mother.
The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.

 For the baby's bath, please don't use baby oil ,it is a mineral oil which can  harm your child. Do use use Coconut oil or Til oil .Heat the oil with a few pepper corn and Haldhi powder ,(which has been  made at home ) . Apply the oil on the baby body before a bath. Instead of soap, Chanach Peet can be used or even Mung dal peet.
    To make Haldhi Powder at home, Buy the the Haldhi sticks from the shop, dry it well in the sun, break them into pieces and powder  it in the Mixi, Powder it well and sieve it , if some grainy remnants are left over, this can be  powder it again and sieved.You will get good , pure haldhi powder.
   While feeding the baby feed it in one place away from TV etc, later as you start to feed  solid food, mostly the baby will be able to sit up. At this time make him/her sit at the table, tie a large Bib, and  feed him/her. this way the child will get used to sitting in one place to eat. As it grows up, the child will protest to eat, at these times change the  food every few days make it bit tastier by adding a little rasam etc.  Tell the child stories and be patient with it.
 What ever the Baby book says, if the child is given 200 ml milk to drink at 7AM , it really cant eat a hearty break fast at 8/8.30. Milk takes time to  digest. So feed the child with fore thought and imagination. Give clean 3 hours break  after the milk feed.
  Some times what the mother or grand mother tell will be more useful, than a book, because, it is with experience, they will be telling.  Books can be, only, guide lines.

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